Bite and Booze by Jay D. Ducote

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Baton Rouge Uncorked

Bite and Booze: Baton Rouge Uncorked Last Thursday, Eusebio, Collin, and I entered into a wine tasting event called Baton Rouge Uncorked.  Every team that entered the event had to bring three identical bottles of wine, including vineyard and year.  Two of the bottles were placed in brown paper bags and placed on the tables for tasting.  The other bottle was placed in the prize pool to be collected by whichever team brought the highest rated wine.  It was a pretty cool concept despite a few flaws that I thought it had in the rating and voting system.

The Team: Jay, Eusebio, and Collin

This Fall's event was for the Syrah/Shiraz varietal and we brought a good one!  Eusebio picked up a case of 2006 Scholium Project Gardens of Babylon Tenbrink Vineyards Petite Syrah from Fleming's.

The Suisun Valley red wine from northern California is a delicious wine that is dry, complex, and full of dark fruit flavor.  We drank a bottle of it before we left the house and then made our way to II City Plaza in downtown Baton Rouge to start our tasting!

All of the wines for tasting were wrapped in brown paper bags and scattered around the large, warehouse like second floor of the building.  It was a very unique setting because II City Plaza is a fancy new office building but the second floor was completely unfinished, leaving a concrete floor and a lack of fixtures in the wide open space.  Each table was set up with as many as 20 different bottle of unknown wines for patrons to walk around, taste, and rate.

We ran into quite a few friends at the event and met some new people along the way as well.  Collin and I got tired of keeping up with the rating paper and were starting to be too inebriated to accurately judge the wines, so we decided to turn in our choices for best and worst wine and continue with the drinking part of the event!  Eusebio soon joined in and our trio was well on our way to be three sheets to the wind.  While our wine didn't win any awards, we had a great time and certainly got our generous charitable contribution worth!  I'll be looking forward to the next Baton Rouge Uncorked event for sure!

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