Bite and Booze by Jay D. Ducote

Friday, December 21, 2012

Extreme Cajun Cooking app developed in Baton Rouge

A new app recently hit the marketplace for Apple products that was created right here in Baton Rouge.  Logan Leger from NewAperio and Chad Aucoin released Extreme Cajun Cooking.  The app features a ton of recipes categorized by the main proteins or types of dishes.  The depth or recipes is definitely pretty solid, and there are contributions from companies like Bruce Foods and Slap Ya Mama that you know are going to be good!  Maybe one day I'll have a recipe or two in here!

The app shows pictures of the dish with the recipes.  You can also view a grocery list where you can actually check off ingredients as you shop.  The app features a techniques section that needs more content but is dynamic in that it can give video and pictures of certain techniques used in the cooking process.  There is also a places section with links to a handful of south Louisiana restaurants.  I think a culinary app like this is definitely something that Louisiana needs.  The more content that Chad and Logan create for it, the better it will become.  If you're interested in checking it out, you can buy it in the App Store, and I also have a few promo codes to give away for free downloads, so if you want one of those, make sure to hit me up on Facebook or Twitter and leave a comment here saying you want one!  


  1. What a great idea for an app! I am a Baton Rouge native living elsewhere now and would love to keep up with Louisiana food this way (and would like a free app promo too!)...

  2. What a fun app! I could get a ton of use out of this cooking in Dallas these days!

    Thanks for sharing, Jay!

  3. Hook me up, PLEASE! Excellent idea. An LSU boy living in in the guise of an old man! Heading to southern Louisiana for a few days later this week, too.


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