Bite and Booze by Jay D. Ducote

Friday, October 31, 2014

Dining in a Different Light: A Dinner for the Blind & Visually Impaired

A valiant toast attempt.
A valiant toast attempt.

Have you ever tried eating in the dark? Using a fork and steak knife or attempting to take a sip of wine can be quite the struggle, but there are people who do this everyday. Dining in the Dark, a special event at Galatoire's Bistro, consisted of a menu not so focused on presentation, but on the elements of a dish that stand out to someone who doesn't get to "feast their eyes" on the food in front of them. The Dining in the Dark dinner prepared by Chef Kelley McCann benefited Lighthouse Louisiana, an organization that employs more blind and visually impaired citizens of Louisiana than anyone else. They also provide important industrial services as well as programs for the blind and visually impaired youth, social services, technology training, etc. 

I learned that there are several things which I often take for granted when eating with my eyes first. Be it knowing whether or not someone you're talking to is actually at the table, how difficult it is to eat soup without vision, or not being able to find my dropped napkin, dining for the blind can be somewhat of a challenge. Having that said, the evening was full of great company and conversation with some delicious bites along the way!

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